Student Activities Office Grants

Application Deadlines

Student groups and departments should apply for funding as early as possible to ensure that there is funding available for their event. Please review the grant application deadlines. All applications received by a given application deadline will be reviewed the following week so long as funding is still available. Applications are reviewed and awards will be funded once all pre-event requirements are met.

Grant Process Overview

Please review the full SAO Grants Process before applying for Student Activities Office Grants.

Process Changes in 2024-2025

The Student Activities Office Grants Team has made the following changes to the overall process in response to student group feedback for the 2024-2025 academic year. Student groups are encouraged to schedule a General Advising appointment with their assigned Student Group Services advisor or reach out to the SAO Grants Assistant with any questions. 

  • August 2024 events will now be eligible for funding.
  • There is no December deadline.
  • Currently registered student groups must have started the Student Activities Office Annual Registration process for the 2024-2025 school year prior to applying for a SAO Grant in order to be eligible for funding. 
    • If tentatively awarded, the group will not receive funding until the registration process is complete.
    • Retroactive funding is not available
    • Tentatively awarded grants will be forfeited if the group is not registered by their event date.
  • The Financial Management Training Course is now called the SAO Grants Training Course.
    • Students must sign up to gain access.
    • All primary applicants must have completed the training course prior to applying.
    • Primary applicants that have completed an SAO Grant in the past will not need to retake the course unless they opt to.
    • Primary applicants must complete the course at a total grade of 90% or better with both quizzes finished.
  • Groups must use the 2024-2025 SAO Grant Proposal Template in order for it to be considered.
  • SAO Grants policies have been updated for 2024-2025.
  • Student groups are encouraged to utilize resources offered through the Student Group Resource Center located on the second floor of Coffman Memorial Union.

New applicants and/or groups are encouraged to submit the ACH/New Group Set-Up Form prior to applying for a grant. This also applies to groups who have changed their official name and need to update their W-9 on file. This allows the Grants Team to get a head start on setting their group up as a vendor with the University, which often takes the most time in the process.

Grant Recipient Files

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Pre-Event Files

W-9 Form 

Registered Student Organizations that have never received a grant award before are required to upload a W-9 form in their grant application. The W-9 should be filled out with your student group’s financial information. Groups may also submit their W-9 using the Document Submission Form

Statement of Agreement

Financial Management Training

New applicants are required to complete the financial management training prior to applying

Post-Event Files

All grant recipients are required to complete the Post-Event Evaluation and the Post-Event Budget tab in your application/budget document within 30 days of the funded event date. 

The form will require you to upload all itemized event expense receipts or paid invoices, including expenses that may not have been funded by the grant award. Please review the Acceptable Documentation resource before submitting event receipts. 

Once this form is submitted, an advisor will review the form and receipts and will only schedule a post-event meeting if they have questions related to the event and financial documents.

Grant Logos

Student Activities Grant Logos (All Grant Recipients)

Black with Transparent Background

Black with White Background

White with Black Background

White with Transparent Background


Coca-Cola Grant Logos (Coca-Cola Grant Recipients)

Coca Cola
Coca Cola
Coca Cola


Grant Funding FAQs

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Grant Proposal Best Practices

  • Don’t commit to performers, venues, etc. until funding is secured.
  • Recommend applying as far in advance as possible. Apply 2-3 grant cycles in advance, at minimum.
  • Have an advisor review a draft of your proposal and budget for feedback prior to submission.
  • Understand your financial obligations as a student group and complete the Financial Management Training course as soon as possible if you think your group may apply for an SAO grant during the year. Students may sign up at (opens in a new tab).

New applicants and RSO groups who have made changes to their group's official name name and need to update their W-9 are encouraged to submit the ACH/New Group Set-Up Form prior to submitting a proposal. This allows the Grants Team to get a head start on setting groups up as a vendor with the University, which often takes the most time in getting groups paid.

When should my group apply?

Student groups and departments should apply for funding as early as possible to ensure that there is funding available for their event. We recommend a minimum of two grant cycles (deadlines) before your event date in order to receive funding prior to your event. 

Please review the grant application deadlines at SUA grants will not be awarded for events that have already taken place. Due to the volume of grants we receive, we cannot make exceptions to the deadlines.

How can we make our proposal stand out?

Ensure that you are reviewing all grant criteria/policies ahead of time and answering all questions to the best of your ability. Be sure to emphasize how your group's program or event promotes student development, enhances diversity, and/or benefits the campus community in your application. Additionally, make sure your application explains your event in clear and concise detail. 

Your budget should give a full picture of the entire event, not just what you expect the grant to fund. Your proposal and budget should align and explain to the committee exactly what you are planning. Remember, the grant committee may not know anything about your group or your event.

How much detail should our proposal include?

Assume that the people reading your proposal have no prior knowledge about your group, program, or event. More details in your proposal makes it easier for the committee to understand the value of your event.

Your budget should also be detailed and complete. This includes documenting all anticipated event expenses, even those not covered by SAO grants, and anticipated income above and beyond SAO grants needed to cover the anticipated event expenses. Groups are encouraged to ask vendors for quotes prior to completing the budget. The information provided in the application and budget should align.

First-time applicants (individuals, not groups) are encouraged to set up a meeting with their assigned Student Group Service Advisor at Meeting with an advisor does not guarantee grant funding, but will increase your chances of being tentatively awarded.

How much detail should our financial section include?

The financial section of your application should be as specific and accurate as possible. Groups are encouraged to contact vendors for quotes prior to applying for grants. Additionally, make sure that the information in the financial section reflects the information found elsewhere in the application.

What types of supplies can SAO grants fund?

Supplies that are specific to the event (i.e. equipment rental, food, honorariums, etc.) are considered programming expenses and can be funded by SAO grants. Supplies that are intended for group use beyond the event (i.e. computers, audio equipment, uniforms/apparel, etc.) are considered operational and are not eligible for funding.

Prizes or giveaways (i.e. gift cards, awards, thank you gifts) also cannot be funded by SAO grants.

A full list of allowable and unallowable expenses is found at

Can SAO grants fund our student group meeting expenses?

No, meeting expenses are considered operational. SAO grant funding is intended to support activities, programs, and special events that promote student development.

A full list of allowable and unallowable expenses is found at

How much funding can we receive per event? What about per year?

The amount you can receive per event depends on a number of factors. There are a variety of different grant initiatives, each of which has different criteria. 

Each grant initiative has a maximum award amount per event, and groups can receive funding from multiple initiatives for a single event. Please review the grant eligibility chart to view funding eligibility. Registered student groups may receive up to $10,000 per year.

Where can we find additional funding?

Some ways that groups have done this in the past include membership dues, fundraisers, other grants, and partnerships. 

If my group is not awarded, can we reapply for the same event?

Yes, your group can apply again, as long as you apply within the application deadline. SAO grants will not be awarded for events that have already taken place. We recommend applying at least 2 (two) cycles in advance to allow your group a chance to reapply for SAO grants, if needed. 

Student Activities Advisors are happy to meet with any group and provide feedback from the Grants Review Committee to help improve your proposal.

Can someone meet with us to review our application before we apply?

Yes, the grants assistant is more than happy to meet with you, answer questions, and review your application prior to submitting. You can schedule a general advising appointment with your assigned Student Group Service Advisor to review your application at

If we are awarded, how long will it take to receive our grant funding?

Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) will have their check ready for pickup or has been mailed to them 4-6 weeks after their application is approved. It will take 3-4 weeks to receive funding for RSOs that choose the ACH option after all requirements have been completed. Initial ACH set-up may be an additional 4 weeks before payment can be processed.

Campus Life Programs (CLPs) will receive their grant award through EFS transfer within 2-3 weeks of submitting their Statement of Agreement.

Are there additional action items for first time group recipients?

New applicants are required to schedule a pre-event meeting with their assigned SAO advisor. All groups must submit a completed Statement of Agreement. Each classification has its own Statement of Agreement, so please fill out the correct form when submitting.

Awarded groups should also utilize the appropriate grant logo(s) in promoting the event (Grant Recipient Files).

Can my group serve non Coca-Cola products at our event?

Due to the current Coca Cola contract with the University any beverage served at events funded by SAO Grants must be a Coca-Cola Products. 

Exceptions to this rule are beverages made on site or provided by a licensed caterer. A list of Coca Cola products for groups to use can be found on the Coca-Cola website. Be aware that alcohol is an unallowable expense , and any event that includes alcohol will not be eligible for funding. 

Do I need to keep all event receipts?

Yes, everyone should be keeping all event receipts. Itemized receipts and/or paid invoices will be required for your post-event form. Only PDFs, JPEGs, or PNGs will be accepted. Please review the Acceptable Documentation resource  to submitting your post-event form. Student Groups should also review record retention requirements for student groups and create a sustainable system for recording, retaining, and passing on information to future officers.

What feedback can my group expect from the Grants committee?

Based on feedback from the Grants Committee, groups may be required to meet with a Student Activities Office Advisor before their funding request is processed. This requirement will be communicated via their award notification. Pre-Event meetings must be scheduled with their assigned SUA advisor within 2 weeks of their award notification. Failure to do so by this deadline may result in their award being forfeited.

Additionally, the Grants Committee may provide feedback in the Grants Committee Review tab of the grant proposal and budget document.

Can my group move our event date?

It depends. Events may be pushed back, but not into the next fiscal year which ends June 30th. Please reach out to [email protected] to confirm the updated date for eligibility and to update our records.

Is there an appeals process?

No. Decisions made by the committee are final. We recommend applying two cycles ahead of time to allow groups to reapply.