Event Planning - Approvals, Permits, and Insurance

Approvals and Permits

Student groups are responsible for knowing and following University policies and procedures, as well as following event approval timelines and permit/application deadlines. Applications and permit deadlines vary. It can take the full approval timeline for a permit to be approved, so please plan accordingly for your preferred submission timeline. As a reminder, “business days” for the University are typically Mondays through Fridays.

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Serving food during meetings or events

Depending on the type of food you are serving, you will need to request a food permit. This includes pizza, potlucks, bake sales and catering. Forms are due a minimum of ten business days (two weeks) in advance of the event date.

Fundraisers and Sales

Please see fundraising policies for activities hosted during events. Be mindful of your group’s classification.

Requesting to serve alcohol at an event

If your group is interested in applying to have alcohol present at your event, you need to submit the Alcohol Use Application for registered student groups. Completed application is due a minimum of fifteen business days (three weeks) in advance of the event date.

Public Performance of Films and Video Games

In order to screen a film or TV show, groups must purchase or obtain a public performance license from an agency or the owner of copyrighted works. Public performance licenses are also needed if you want to play video games in a public venue. Public performance licenses are required for all University venues as well as off-campus events. Student Unions and Activities venues require a public performance license agreement to be completed a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event date, in addition to having a purchased license. Please see Use of Copyrighted Works for more information.

General Liability Insurance Coverage for on-campus events

Please see more information about Iinsurance in the Student Group Policies. You may be required to get general liability insurance coverage to protect your group and its members.

Concerts or Dances

If your group would like to hold a dance or concert, contact Student Activities immediately to discuss your event plans, additional fees for security, and event policies. You must contact Student Activities at least one month in advance of your proposed event date.

Additional Resources and Considerations

Promotion Materials

Groups are encouraged to review the resources and policies listed on the Promotion webpage.

Directions, Maps, and Parking

Make sure all people involved with your event (including attendees, volunteers, vendors, and speakers/performers) can get to your venue, and what their transportation and parking options are. Many event venues have links and map resources they can provide to you. Event venue staff can also advise on vendor load-in route and options, including the use of loading docks/areas and supply storage options.

  • Parking and Transportation Services website
  • University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus maps


If a Registered Student Organization (RSO) does not have its own coverage, it may purchase Tenant User’s Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP). This program is designed for third-party facility users who need to purchase general liability insurance specific to an event. TULIP is a General Liability policy that protects both the facility user and the University. The policy provides coverage for bodily and personal injury or property damage arising out of the use of University premises by external users.

TULIP Coverage Instructions

To purchase coverage for your event:

  • Visit: https://tulip.ajgrms.com
  • Click on “Get A Quote” located on the left side of the screen or “QuickQuote” located at the top of the page.
  • Select the location of your event by following the prompts:
    • State – Minnesota
    • Location – The University of Minnesota
    • Venue – 4025 Regents of the University of Minnesota
  • Select the Dates and attendance for your events using the calendar function. Note: Coverage is required for all days of your event
  • Select your event type by following the prompts.
  • Disregard the “Additional Coverage Options” screen (excess coverage, alcohol and vendors…) as this additional coverage is not required - the policies and paperwork regarding Alcohol Use can be viewed in the forms library.
  • Review your Coverage and Premium.
  • Input payment information and click “Submit.”

General Exception: Athletic events, such as ‘fun runs,’ are outside the scope of the coverage. K & K Insurance or sanctioning by USA Track and Field are options for obtaining coverage.

Contact the Office of Risk Management at 612-624-5884 if you have any questions or need further clarification on University of Minnesota insurance policies.

Safety of Minors on Campus

Student groups hosting minors for an event on campus are responsible to be aware of and in some cases adhere to the Regents policy on the Safety of Minors.

Student groups that operate programs or activities on campus or in a University facility where minors attend without an accompanying adult, or when the program includes an overnight stay must certify to the University that all individuals who will have ongoing interaction with minors have received training and have undergone the criminal background check that meets or exceeds the University’s Health and Safety Requirements for Programs Involving Minors.

Campus Life Programs (CLPs)CLP’s would follow the Safety of Minors policy through involvement with a campus department. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs)’s responsibility for meeting safety requirements are similar to an outside organization using space on campus. Responsibility for meeting requirements are shown on the Safety of Minors - Requirements Grid attached to the Safety of Minors Policy. Please contact your assigned Student Group Services Advisor for additional assistance.

How to Adhere to the Safety of Minors Policy

If it is determined that your group will have to meet the Safety of Minors requirements for an event on campus, your group will be responsible for completing the following steps. Program staff/Volunteers include paid or volunteer students or staff that will be working with minors as part of the group’s event.

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Program Staff/Volunteer Background Checks

Program staff/volunteers must complete a criminal background check, which includes a check of the National Sex Offender Public Registry (“sex offender registry”), both before hire or start of service and every three years thereafter.

  • Campus Life Programs should work with their department to have the Office for Human Resources perform a background check on program staff/volunteers.
  • Registered Student Organizations will need to coordinate background checks for program staff/volunteers. Groups can coordinate background checks by working with The McDowell Agency. Groups should set up background check package #3 to be performed on their program staff/volunteers. Groups do not need to collect personal information of program staff/volunteers. Program staff/volunteers will work directly with the agency to go through a background check.

    The McDowell Agency
    Contact: Tim Landsberger
    Local Phone: (651) 644-3880
    Email: [email protected]


Program Staff/Volunteer Training

Program staff/volunteers must also complete a training course prior to participating in activities with minors. The course will cover, at a minimum, abuse awareness, safeguards for minors, and mandatory reporting requirements. Groups may choose to provide additional training in these areas. Completion of this training is required, at a minimum, every three years. The University provides a training course through the Training Hub site for students, staff and faculty. 

Safety Guidelines

Program staff/volunteers must receive orientation to the position, including staff/participant interactions, supervision responsibilities, health and safety regulations, and emergency procedures. The document Expectations for Program Staff When Interacting with Minors is one option for conveying expectations with program staff/volunteers as part of the orientation process and would be a way to document that the group’s program staff/volunteers are aware of these expectations.