Welcome Desk Services


The Welcome Desk in Coffman Memorial Union can answer questions related to the student unions and the University of Minnesota. The Welcome Desk is located on the first floor of the building. Student employees at the desk can typically provide support as you search for a specific building on campus, an event in a student union space, information about the Universal Transit Pass, who to talk to about getting involved in student groups or events on campus, and more! Services offered at the Welcome Desk include the Universal Transit Pass activation terminal, posting on the building posting locations, and Lost and Found.

Contact the Welcome Desk at 612-624-4636 (4-INFO) or at [email protected].

Posting Policy

Student Unions & Activities (SUA) Posting Policy

  1. All postings must be delivered to the Welcome Desk in the Coffman Memorial Union or the Post Office in the St. Paul Student Union for approval. Welcome Desk staff will hang the posters/flyers in the designated posting areas in the requested SUA building. Any unauthorized posting will be removed and recycled.
  2. Poster size cannot exceed 11 x 17. Each group or event may submit up to four (4) postings in CMU and up to two (2) postings in SPSC.
  3. Postings will be limited to event promotion and University of Minnesota departmental student jobs. No other postings will be accepted.
  4. The party responsible for requesting the posting must be clearly designated on the poster.
    • Student groups must use their name and ID# as listed on GopherLink.
    • University of Minnesota Department information and logo must be clearly visible on the posting.
    • Outside organizations must clearly list the space in an SUA building their event will occur in and the event must be at a “Confirmed” Status with Event Services prior to posting.
  5. Postings will be posted for up to 2 weeks, or until 1 business day after the event date, whichever comes first.
  6. Student groups classified as Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) must follow Use of the University Name, Marks and Logos policies. Student groups classified as Campus Life Programs (CLPs) need to follow University Brand policies and guidelines.
  7. SUA reserves the right to evaluate and make final determination of the posting. Postings will not be put up if the posting does not follow the applicable policies. If intentional misrepresentation has occurred, this may result in suspension of posting privileges in all SUA facilities.
  8. Promotion of beverages must be in compliance with the University beverage contract, available from University Dining Services Contract Administration at (612) 624-9048.

The approval of a posting is made based on the points above. The views and opinions expressed in the posting are strictly those of the group who produced the material, and does not reflect those of Student Unions & Activities or the University of Minnesota.