Annual Registration

Student group registration is managed through Student Unions and Activities. This process allows student groups to maintain a relationship with the University.All student groups must complete the process annually through GopherLink in order to maintain their status and have access to student group resources.

Student groups that are registered with the University of Minnesota have the ability to conduct activities at the University in accordance with established University policies and procedures. Student Unions and Activities maintains an official file/record for registered groups with the Student Activities Office. Any information pertaining to the group’s registration, constitution, or classification status contained in the student group’s file/record is considered public information.

By registering with Student Unions and Activities, student groups agree to abide by all University of Minnesota policies, local, state and federal laws. Student groups are expected to review the student group policies, including officer responsibilities before registering as a group. Student groups that complete the registration process during the academic year 2024-25 will be registered until September 30, 2025.

Before beginning the New Group registration process, check out GopherLink to review the more than 1,000 already existing student groups at the University of Minnesota to see if a similar group is listed. 

Registration Cycle Timeline

  • April 17, 2024 at 8:30 AM: Registration Window Opens
    New, expired and currently registered groups may begin registration on GopherLink.
  • September 27, 2024 at 12:00 PM: Registration Form Closes for Currently Registered Groups
    Any groups that wish to re-register their group must submit the Annual Registration form via the group profile on GopherLink by 12:00 PM. A group’s registration will not be complete until the listed officers accept their position via email from Campus Groups.
  • September 30, 2024 at 12:00 PM: Re-Registration Window Closes for Currently Registered Groups
    Last day for currently registered groups to finish all steps to re-registration. All positions must be accepted by individual officers in these positions by this time. Groups who do not complete the process by this deadline will need to restart the registration process as an expired group.
  • October 1, 2024: 2023-24: Registered Groups Expire
    Any groups who have not completed registration by September 30, 2024 will be expired in GopherLink and will need to register as an expired group.
  • February 14, 2025 at 12:00 PM: Registration Form Closes on GopherLink for New and Expired Groups
    Any new and expired group will need to submit the appropriate registration form, including group constitution, on GopherLink by this deadline.
  • February 28, 2025 at 12:00 PM: Registration Window Closes for New and Expired Groups
    Last day for new and expired groups to submit edits to their constitution to meet requirements and for all officers to confirm their position on the group roster. All registration steps (pending payment) must be completed by this deadline to avoid being denied registration.

Process Changes

  • All registration forms can be submitted in GopherLink. Only listed officers of a student organization may submit the registration form via the group profile. Please contact [email protected] if your group roster is not updated.
    Currently registered groups can submit the group form via their group profile.
    New groups can submit their registration form via the New Group Registration Form.
    Expired groups can submit their registration form via their group profile.
  • All Campus Life Programs (CLPs) will be required to submit an updated CLP Advisor Letter through the re-registration form.
    All groups are required to submit a logo through their group application that will undergo a compliance check. CLPs will be required to have a Unit Wordmark combination from their department. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may design their own separate logo that aligns with University branding guidelines. Please review the University Relations website for all branding requirements.
    • Our office recommends the following design specifications:
      • Groups utilize a logo that is 300 W x 300 H pixels
      • Groups utilize a cover photo 1400-1920 W x 200 H pixels
    • Groups will have the opportunity to update their logo outside of the registration process using the Logo Update Form beginning April 17, 2024. Logo updates via this form will not be processed if your group has not re-registered.
  • All groups will be reviewed for participation in Health and Medically Related Activities. Any group that participates in these activities will be submitted to the Pre-Health Student Resource Center for approval. These groups will not have their GopherLink profile created or reinstated until approval has been received by the Pre-Health Student Resource Center. Groups may be required to change their classification as a result of their review by the Pre-Health Student Resource Center.
  • Groups may request official name changes during the registration process. Officers should be aware of any implications this may have on requesting a bank letter, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reporting obligations and updating the authorized users on their group’s bank account.
  • Groups will not have to complete a Canvas Course for registration.
    • Currently registered groups are encouraged to review their constitution annually and submit any changes to the Student Activities Office.
  • New and expired groups will submit their constitution for review via the Registration Form in GopherLink.
  • Groups may request a classification change during the registration process. Groups will have the opportunity to submit a classification change request through the Classification Change Form in GopherLink.

New and Expired Student Group Registration Steps

Students interested in registering a new or expired group are required to complete the registration process outlined below. The deadline to complete all steps for new and expired group registration is February 28, 2025 in order for the group to become registered and gain access to student group resources. The steps are outlined as follows:


New & Expired Group Registration Flowchart

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Step One - GopherLink Form

Groups submit the 2024-25 Student Group Registration Form based on their group standing, New or Expired, via GopherLink. The expired group form can be located on the group profile on GopherLink. Officers must submit a New Group Form to begin the process. There must be a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of ten (10) officers in order to become a group. Each group is required to have a President and Treasurer within the minimum five officers listed. The group is required to maintain this officer minimum at all times to be considered registered and in good standing. Officers must be currently enrolled, student service fee paying students at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Officers must also be in good standing with the University and free of any sanctions defined by the Board of Regents Policy - Student Conduct Code, administered by the Office for Community Standards.

Groups must designate their classification as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) or a Campus Life Program (CLP). Groups that wish to register as a CLP will need to secure a sponsoring department and advisor prior to submitting a registration form. It is required that CLP groups complete the CLP Advisor Letter and work with their sponsoring department to secure a chartstring in this step.

Groups will also submit their GopherLink Profile picture (group logo) with this form. All groups are required to follow Student Group Branding Guidelines set forth by University Relations.

Step Two - Constitution Review

The group constitution must be submitted with the registration form on GopherLink. The group’s constitution will be assigned to a Student Group Services Advisor for review. The officer that submitted the constitution will receive an email communication from a Student Group Services Advisor with revisions, recommendations (if needed) and/or a constitution approval confirmation. Once the group’s constitution is approved and the course has been completed, their GopherLink profile will be created or reinstated.

Step Three - Health and Medically Related Activities

Before confirmation of completion of re-registration, all student group submissions will be reviewed for Health and Medically Related Activities. All groups that engage in health and medically related activities will be required to undergo a compliance check with the Pre-Health Student Resource Center acknowledging the scope and agreeing to the policies that govern these kinds of groups. These groups will not have their GopherLink profile created or reinstated until approval has been received by the Pre-Health Student Resource Center. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may be required to become a CLP due to their intended group activities. In this case, the group is responsible for finding a sponsoring department and faculty advisor.

Please review the Health & Medically Related Activities Policy to discern if your group operates under any of these activities. Student groups seeking more information on whether their health/medically related group should be classified as an RSO or a CLP may contact Brian Sick, MD in Academic Health Sciences at [email protected] (Academic Health Center students) or Tricia Todd, MPH in the Pre-Health Student Resource Center at [email protected] (undergraduate students).

Step Four - Officer Position Confirmation

All officers on the group's roster must accept their position on the roster via GopherLink. All officers will receive an email after the registration form is submitted asking them to accept their position on the roster. Groups will not have their registration approved until all officers have accepted their position.

Please note that the form submitter can see who has yet to accept their invitation to join the roster. The form submitter can find the officer roster in the original Annual Registration submission in their group’s GopherLink profile, which can be accessed via the email confirmation received after submitting the form. The officer roster will list the status of each officer’s invitation.

Step Five - Payment

All new and expired groups will be required to pay a $30 registration fee. Groups will receive invoicing information via email after the constitution has been approved. Groups will have provisional access to GopherLink while payment is pending. Please note that, once filed, the invoice may take 1-2 weeks to arrive via email.

  • For RSOs, the registration form submitter will receive invoice information and payment may be made online through the University’s secure processing website. Groups have 30 days from the invoice date to pay their registration fee. Groups with a past due invoice may have their status impacted.
  • For CLPs, fees are paid with an Enterprise Financial System (EFS) account transfer. EFS Chartstring information is requested in the Student Group Registration Form.

Step Six - Group is Registered!

Groups will receive a registration confirmation email from [email protected] once the invoice payment has been processed. Payments may take up to 5 business days to be confirmed. Once all steps are completed, groups are granted full access to all student group resources!

Contact the Registration Assistant at [email protected] with questions.

Registration for Currently Registered Student Groups through Sept. 2024

Groups that are currently registered through September 30, 2024 are required to complete the Annual Registration process. The deadline to complete all steps to the annual registration process is Monday, September 30, 2024 in order to maintain uninterrupted access to student group resources. The steps are outlined as follows:

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Step One - GopherLink Form

Groups submit the 2024-25 Student Group Registration Form via GopherLink profile. Officers can access this form by navigating to the group profile on GopherLink, and selecting the “Re-Register” button on the groups page, or on the group profile. Please note that groups will not be able to manage or update their group settings until re-registration is submitted and completed in its entirety.

There must be a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of ten (10) officers in order to become a group. The group is required to maintain this officer minimum at all times to be considered registered and in good standing.

Additionally, all groups are required to have a President and Treasurer listed on their roster. All officers must be currently enrolled, student service fee paying students at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Officers must also be in good standing with the University and free of any sanctions defined by the Board of Regents Policy - Student Conduct Code, administered by the Office for Community Standards. Groups must select their correct classification as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) or a Campus Life Program (CLP). Learn more about classifications in the Student Group Policy Handbook

Campus Life Programs are required to submit a completed Campus Life Program Advisor/Department LetterCampus Life Program Advisor/Department Letter annually. Campus Life Program Advisor and Sponsoring Department expectations and policies can be found in the Student Group Handbook

Groups will also submit their GopherLink Profile picture (group logo) with this form. All groups are required to follow Student Group Branding Guidelines

Step Two - Health and Medically Related Activities

Before confirmation of completion of re-registration, all student group submissions will be reviewed for Health and Medically Related Activities. All groups that engage in health and medically related activities will be required to undergo a compliance check with the Pre-Health Student Resource Center acknowledging the scope and agreeing to the policies that govern these kinds of groups. These groups will not have their GopherLink profile created or reinstated until approval has been received by the Pre-Health Student Resource Center. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may be required to become a CLP due to their intended group activities. In this case, the group is responsible for finding a sponsoring department and faculty advisor.

Please review the Health & Medically Related Activities Policy to discern if your group operates under any of these activities. Student groups seeking more information on whether their health/medically related group should be classified as an RSO or a CLP may contact Brian Sick, MD in Academic Health Sciences at [email protected] (Academic Health Center students) or Tricia Todd, MPH in the Pre-Health Student Resource Center at [email protected] (undergraduate students).

Step Three - Officer Position Confirmation

All officers on the group's roster must accept their position on the roster via GopherLink. All officers will receive an email after the registration form is submitted asking them to accept their position on the roster. Groups will not have their registration approved until all officers have accepted their position.

Please note that the form submitter can see who has yet to accept their invitation to join the roster. The form submitter can find the officer roster in the original re-registration submission in their group’s GopherLink profile. The officer roster will list the status of each officer’s invitation.

Step Four - Annual Registration Complete

Once all prior steps are completed, the group’s GopherLink profile will be updated. The submitting officer will receive a confirmation email that all requirements have been met. Groups who complete the annual registration process will be registered through September 30, 2025. Groups will maintain uninterrupted access to all student group resources and benefits.

Contact the Registration Assistant at [email protected] with questions. Student groups are encouraged to schedule an appointment with their assigned advisor if they have questions about general operations.